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The Bloody White Baron, by James Palmer
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Roman Ungern von Sternberg was a Baltic aristocrat, a violent, headstrong youth posted to the wilds of Siberia and Mongolia before the First World War. After the Bolshevik Revolution, the Baron - now in command of a lethally effective rabble of cavalrymen - conquered Mongolia, the last time in history a country was seized by an army mounted on horses. He was a Kurtz-like figure, slaughtering everyone he suspected of irreligion or of being a Jew. And his is a story that rehearses later horrors in Russia and elsewhere. James Palmer's book is an epic recreation of a forgotten episode and will establish him as a brilliant popular historian.
Über den Autor und weitere Mitwirkende
James Palmer was born in 1981, lives in Beijing and has travelled extensively in East and Central Asia. This is his first book. He brings to it a knowledge of comparative religion as well as a deep fascination with the cultures and history of China and Mongolia.
Taschenbuch: 288 Seiten
Verlag: Faber & Faber; Auflage: Main (5. März 2009)
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN-10: 0571230245
ISBN-13: 978-0571230242
Größe und/oder Gewicht:
12,2 x 1,6 x 19,5 cm
Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:
4.5 von 5 Sternen
2 Kundenrezensionen
Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
Nr. 160.157 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)
Wer den Irrsinn des (frühen) 20. Jahrhunderts zumindest nachvollziehen will, wenn nicht verstehen, der kommt am Mad Baron schwerlich vorbei. Ein wildes Panoptikum fern aller kulturellen Zentren wird hier von Palmer kenntnisreich und angenehm lesbar vorgeführt. Das Leben Ungern Sternbergs - oder vielmehr seine letzten Jahre ab 1914 - sind jener Stoff, aus dem in den 60er Jahren Filmepen à Doktor Schiwago, Lawrence von Arabien etc. gemacht wurden. Dass es kein solches Werk "Ungern" gibt, liegt allein an der abgrundtiefen Schlechtigkeit des Charakters... was ihn wiederum sehr interessant macht. Im Englischen sagt man "larger than life", und diese fundamentale Differenz zwischen dem Menschen Ungern und seiner Umgebung kommt in diesem Buch aufs beste raus.Aber Vorsicht: Diese dunkle Episode aus den Todeszuckungen des Ersten Weltkriegs und den grotesken Schlachtereien des Russischen Bürgerkriegs wird als quasi Vorläufer der Nazi-Ideologie vermarktet (und auch von Palmer zumindest hin und wieder vermerkt). Da muss man sagen: Die Argumentationskette ist so langgestreckt wie der Weg zwischen der Mongolei und Westeuropa. Und entsprechend dünn. Ungerns irrsinniger Versuch der Renaissance der Goldenen Horde und Umkehr der Revolution von 1917 ist vieles (vor allem ungemein spannend), aber sicher nicht der Anfang des Nationalsozialismus und des Holocaust. Sein Antisemitismus entsprang dem gleichen Nährboden, aus dem unabhängig und weit weg von der Mongolei die Geißel des 20. Jahrhunderts entstand.
Die Lebensgeschichte des Barons Ungern von Sternberg ist so unglaublich, dass sich ein Buch über ihn liest wie ein Fantasy-Epos. James Palmer schreibt dabei in einem etwas plauderigen Tonfall, lässt manche eigene Anekdote einfließen. Das ist gut und unterhaltsam. Manchmal geht diese angelsächsische Schreibart und auch die ebenso geprägte Sicht auf die Dinge aber auch etwas auf die Nerven. Dann erscheint einem diese lockere Art doch dissonant mit den Geschehnissen jener Tage, die sich für nonchalantes Storytelling doch manchmal eher wenig eignen. Insgesamt aber ein lohnendes Buch, das die Fakten zuverlässig zusammenträgt, ohne den schlechten Beigeschmack des in der Sovietzeit veröffentlichten Buches von Pozner.
The Bloody White Baron is a stunning achievement – an incredible story richly told. Like Palmer, I first came upon Baron Ungern-Sternberg in Peter Hopkirk's Setting The East Ablaze. Hopkirk devoted a chapter to the Mad Baron, but it was always a story deserving of a more detailed telling.Palmer’s writing is pretty much perfect; simply a pleasure to read. The Baron’s tale isn’t an especially easy one to tell given the lack of primary sources and also the complexity and obscurity of the people, places and events. Palmer does a great job of providing the needed background with the right level of detail. There may be a few readers who find his style slightly too breezy - the occasional speculation, chatty aside, or injection of humor - but I think these are added in just the right measure and make the book a more more readable one.Thanks to the publisher for putting this title out as a Kindle book. My only complaints are the paucity of photographs and maps. There’s only one map. Likewise, there’s just the cover photo - this is frustrating because several photographs of the Baron are described in the book.I think Palmer is one of the top writers currently writing about East Asia. His most recent book, “The Death of Mao: The Tangshan Earthquake and the Birth of the New China,†is another outstanding read.
It is very rare for the portrait of Ungern to rise above cliche in this popular biography and almost no light is shone on the historical figure.All in all the reader is left with another mytho-history that explains little and confuses much.
If you want to read interesting studies about the same subject, better take Yuzefovich's "Autocrat of the steppe", Kuzmin's "Legendary Baron", or Hopkins' "Setting the east ablaze". A few good novels were written, too. Among the best are Jean Mabire's "God of war" and Vladimir Pozner's "Le mors aux dents" (I'm not sure it was translated in English). Don't waste time with Palmer's "Bloody baron".Your first impression when opening Palmer's book might be it is a reliable informative book, with its rich bibliography its profusion of footnotes. This impression won't last beyond the first chapters. At the very beginning, I was startled to find that an important number of quotations are excerpted from fictional books. I quickly used to it. The best example is the book of the French communist writer Vladimir Pozner, which is repeatedly quoted by Palmer to provide his reader with seemingly first-hand information (pp. 9, 20, 24, 41, 100, 109, 117,...). Pozner never intended his book to be something else than a fictional novel, even if somewhat documented, and as such admitted it was biased.The book is entirely stuffed with glaring mistakes and chronological confusions a non-specialist can easily point out. Palmer repeatedly confuses dates (p. 115: 1919 instead of 1920, for example). Irrelevant is the author's extensively developing his personal moral judgments , which make the book sometimes sounds like a kind of boring preach. Disturbing is his constant ironical and depreciative depictions of the Mongolians, who appear to be only a bunch of stupid, stinking, "notoriously unwashed" (p. 44), backward and lazy drunkards (all that is developped on pp. 45-46 and in footnote 6 to the latter page, even if "Alcoholism is even more common in modern Mongolia than it was a century ago", he adds...).Here were only a few examples. On the other hand the book has its qualities. The author depicts vividly the atmosphere of the monasteries and gives interesting information about the religious culture of Mongolia and Tibet (chapter 3). Nevertheless, given the gross inaccuracies I could notice everywhere and given the fact I know nothing on this subject, I really wonder to what extent it is reliable or only once more a kind of fake scholarly dressing.Palmer's rather pleasant writing fortunately makes the book readable till the end.
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